Simplifying campaign mechanics complexities to ease participation

Deconstructing complex information, removing all content and logic murkiness, and rebuilding campaign structure


Website Design


Changi Airport Group


Services, Retail, Travel & Hospitality

Project Hero Image
UI Design, User Flow, UX Writing, Wireframe, EDM
Feb 2021 - Aug 2021 (7 Months)

As a world-class airport with abundance of experiences and services, Changi Airport launches an annual campaign to encourage more sales across locations in Changi Airport as well as through iShopChangi with exclusive prizes and rewards.

With the pandemic restricting global mobility and opportunities, Changi Airport had to rework on campaign mechanics. The relaunched campaign has to encapsulate clearly on how the campaign works with a fresh branding and this has to be reflected across other communication medias within a very short timeline.

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The Challenges

Challenge 01

Print focused design direction

Challenge 02

Partially received campaign mechanics

Challenge 03

Tight timeline with ongoing design updates

Solution 01

Simplifying complexities of new mechanics

The bulk of the design sprint is understanding how the promotion works. We approached the project with clients in the midst of finalising the mechanics. So we helped with speeding up the process by crafting the end-to-end user flow with all the different scenarios and use cases.

Started off with pen and paper to identify the various screens, and afterwards digitalise the different flows of different use cases.

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Solution 02

Adapting designs across various Digital formats

Adapting a print artwork into a digital format can be limiting, and without proper layerings or preparations, it could be a total rework. There has to be some lee way or flexibility for digital artwork, which was not regarded.

We had to reinterpret and rearrange the layout of the design elements so that while it portrays the intended design concept, it has to be legible, responsive and fits well with the website content.

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Solution 03

Improvising design through close collaborations

Given the short timeline, a lot of streams have to be done concurrently. As the state of the website content and mechanics were still getting finalised, designs and content has to be constantly updated.

This requires close collaboration with the developers, game design team and clients to coordinate quick updates effeciently.

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UI Design

Main Designer

I worked with separate teams to realise the campaign digital experience (website, EDM, game mechanics), and I was responsible for the overall design look across website and EDM, ensuring that all of them have a cohesive look.

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What I learned

We are responsible not only in realising the idea, but to also be proactive in synthesizing, simplifying and initiate solutions to the problems that the stakeholders themselves are not clear about, in the interest of having a successful outcome.

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