Establishing product development structure as product pivots

Implementing processes and aligning team to promote efficiency and maximise focus on product development


SAAS Product Management & Design


Force for Good (In-house)


Technology, App and portal services, Health & Wellness

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Product planning, UX/UI design
Feb 2023 - Ongoing
SAAS Startup

Force for Good is a tech SAAS startup that helps organisations to build empowered communities through driving social impact, and making that accessible, engaging and tangible. With each pivots, it came with the immediate priority to always have the base product ready.After acquiring clients and as the company found the right footing for where their product should anchor to and evolve from, there had to be a structure in place to manage and maintain product developments at a feasible pace.

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The Challenges

Challenge 01

Only the development team are involved in the release plans

Challenge 02

Lack of centralised documentation of product feedback and requirements

Challenge 03

Features were not discussed or aligned with the entire team

Solution 01

Implementing structure by planning and managing product releases

With different streams from different teams (design, tech, accounts, marketing) surrounding the product, a streamlined process is much needed so everyone knows what the scope is and when will the product be released.Took this iniative to put some complex requirements, unexpected issues and scope creeps allowance in order, such that the releases can be well controlled, managed, and tracked.

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Solution 02

Consolidating and organising requirements into actionable tasks

Introduced the product and feedback backlog to the team, which captures all ideas, feedbacks, bug issues that were previously scattered across different communication channels. It includes source identifications, tasks categorisation, and prioritisation labels to help the team understand the context and weightage of requirements.

The intended purpose is for any team to use it as a single source for the company's product plans and progress. I then became incharge of updating and managing the product backlog.

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Solution 03

Getting the team involved and aligned through workshops and meetings

It is important that everyone in the team is aligned on product features, especially if it such a nimble team. There should be no room for misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

Conducted workshops and release plannings with team to help the team break down requirement complexities, share ideas and suggestions, and the end get on a general consensus on the scope and next steps.

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UI Design

Main Designer

My main responsibility was to anchor down the base product features and design of both mobile app and client portal, and get them ready for production. After that, I helped the team nagivate through product and website updates as the product roadmap pivots and advances. On top of that, with the change from B2C to B2B, I led the team with the branding updates and came out with a quick branding guide.

Took over the task of handling a client account for a period of time, and during the client's 1 month event launch, I worked closely with the clients and and tech team in managing issues raised, being the middleman in communications.

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What I learned

In such a small team where I am a one-person UI/UX team, I had to be vocal about my opinions/what I think is worth fighting for especially on topics in my domain, as I am accountable for the product's outcome.

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